Our offers

Sign up now and try our premium plan at no cost for your first month. Take advantage of all the exclusive benefits and features without any commitment


$ 0 .00

/ month
  • 1 Machine / 1 Mandrel / 1 Pay Out Head /  1 Program
  • Cylindrical, Conical and Capsular surfaces
  • No special functions
  • No FTP Access
  • No support


$ 50 .00

/ month
  • 1 Machine / 10 Mandrel / 1 Pay Out Head /  100 Program
  • Cylindrical, Conical and Capsular surfaces
  • Special functions
  • FTP Access
  • Email support


$ 100 .00

/ month
  • Unlimited  Machine / Mandrel / Pay Out Head /   Program
  • Cylindrical, Conical and Capsular surfaces
  • Special functions
  • FTP Access
  • 24x7 toll-free support